Global Poverty and Inequality
Home Education Income/Health Discrimination

Why discrimination is bad

Discrimination really doesn't get us anywhere. It forms a certain type of turmoil that doesn't help either side. Their is privelledged and poverty. With discrimination we don't feel the need to give to places that are in need of serious help. No matter how much money other countires have they don't support or help these countries. The children there are just like other children across the world who want to be able to learn with a good education however poverty stops that. When discrimination exist we lose the oppurtunity to help out other humans. We only care aboout our well being rather than the families that barely make enough money to eat once a day. It's "their" problem not ours. That's why we don't help out like we can.

Possible Solutions
The only real way to stop discrimination is personal. Every person would have to flip their morals and change their ways of thinking. However, it would take many people for the higher government or president to notice. They are the ones who control funding and all other support in and out of country. DaShone Stokes, a sociologist on his local website says," People really are stronger, and safer, when they stand together. Mobilize your friends, family, and co-workers. We're stronger when we stand together, share our stories, and make our voices heard. Uniting with others who face a similar situation as you do can help you obtain the resources and social support you need to survive." Thats all people who are affected by dsicrimination can do for now.

DaShone Stocke's Website
Young Boy